Sunday, March 08, 2015

Russia's Northern Fleet is getting new vehicles for its Arctic Brigades (Naval Infantry).

via Russia Times.
The Arctic brigades of the Russian Northern Fleet are getting an off-road vehicle destined for the rough conditions of deep snow and freezing temperatures, while also being able to float in the water.
The first snow-and swamp truck for the Russian navy can deal with obstacles of up to 1.8 meters in height. The full-track vehicle is equipped with a starting preheater for both the motor and propeller, according to RIA Novosti.
The vehicle has been designed as a chain of modules – with the front power module able to hold six people and the back module ten people. The back can easily be transformed from a passenger car into a sleeping area, a medical block, or a command center.
Manufacturers website.

The Russians seem to be taking this move to the Arctic seriously and (using open source) are light years ahead of the allies.  This vehicle is just another piece in the puzzle and while it appears to be an enlarged BV206 Hagglund, its really an evolution of Russian thinking in the field.

What is mystifying is the fact that the Russians already have the above vehicle and several others that fulfill this role nicely.  My only thought is that perhaps they're getting a troop carrier and will relegate larger all terrain vehicles to logistics work?

Either way, they're going to have excellent ground mobility in Arctic snow, ice, mud, marshes and across water.


  1. Not the first this type of vehicle in Russia not the last one... some 90% of Russia is rather pain in the ass in driving department. Siberia is bad place to live, move, work, so Soviets need large number of specialist vehicles or modifications of existing ones. This is not mainly related to any type of Arctic expansion but simple be or not to be in Siberia. Some of them were class for themselves, like ZiL 49061, ZiL 4904, ZIL-E-167... yes ZiL build a lot of extreme off road vehicles for Siberia. GAZ-3344, DT-3PB... ect.

    And what good for Siberia will work ice of North.

  2. Think is just like in the desert , in the arctic you can't hide pretty well.
    Imagine what great IR signatures vehicles will have over there.

  3. Yes, a lot of work on Arctic is already done, however a lot of things are still in progress. Our DoD takes Arctic and Crimea as primary goals.

    Northern Fleet are now used as a base for new Operative-Strategic Command "Sever", a brand new command unit, who will be in charge for all northern operations.

    However the fleet is in pretty bad shape - problems with Ukraine(they were contractors on shipbuilding) led the type 22350 frigate to problems. God only knows how it will work out. Still, submarines are in descent level, so it could be sufficient.

    A lot of problems with patrolling aviation and anti-submarine aviation. Things are pretty bad there.

    Also the northern islands are now being used as a bases for radars, SAM and some surveillance units. The defence line is being pushed to north.

  4. Remind me again who they are going to fight in the Arctic.....

  5. Those pesky, fascist* Polar Bears and snow regime! :D

    * - wrong use of "fascism" was intentional for our Russian viewers ;)

  6. Interesting concept
    more pics here

  7. this is more to my thinking of an arctic fighting vehicle. how long will infantry forces be combat effective in below freezing temperatures? what we saw between fighting with Russia and Germany during WW2 (not to mention Poland and Finland) reveal that winter itself will be the biggest killer of forces...not weaponry on both sides.

  8. @ how long will infantry forces be combat
    effective in below freezing temperatures? @

    According to my life experience, it is a
    question of habit, sir, And of properly organized material support. When I was
    a child I felt myself comfortable went for a walk in temperature below 40 C. It
    was fun - to spited out and heard your spit creaked flying. But it was Siberia,
    Arctic landscape is greatly worst, People say somewhere in Arctic you can find
    snow, frozen in a specific way to become firm and sharp until possibility to
    tear tiers of huge tracks… I was in Arctic as a military once (I can’t
    comment it openly) and the second time as a civilian in Magnitogorsk, a
    civilized large town . Both times it was Polar summer (when the Sun shines
    whole day) – I can’t imagine how people live there in conditions of Polar
    winter – in dark and cold. But they live. So I guess if it will be our Fate to fight
    here again – we will. But I can’t imagine how)))))

  9. Actually the late autumn and early spring times are more difficult as you are more likely to get wet while it is cold. In winter the need for rotation is pretty muchly the same as during summer if a unit has the necessary gear, support and training. Need for logistics is increased since you need more hot foods and hot beverages, more burning wood, more fuel ect, but sleds compensate for this.

  10. Our DoD wants this "no one to fight there" situation to continue. By empowering the Arctic forces.

    Also, our scientists had proofs(i dont know actually, so excuse me) that Russia has rightful claim on the huge part of that region. It is being discussed in UN for now(or already finished?) but our DoD wants "to secure what is ours" as fast as they can. To minimize possible "misunderstanding". It was something like that.

  11. The Lena Highway never ceases to amaze me with the pictures and video taken.

    Many people assume the snow is bad. I suppose it is. But so is the mud.

  12. Did you mean Murmansk? Magnitogorsk is in Chelyabinsk Region, near the Rus-Kazakh border.

  13. a Chinese analog

  14. F@ck! Shame on me! I confused it with Noril'sk. Thanks a lot for correction...

  15. Why fight animals when you can recruit them? =)

    Meet the Special AntiSubmarine diversion unit - "Ivan Ivanovich"

  16. Did you mean Murmansk? Magnitogorsk is in Chelyabinsk Region, near the Rus-Kazakh border.

  17. It looks like you disclosed a tremendous military secret! I most inform
    KGB! Bggg

  18. The main problem – law temperature. In Siberia it is not
    rare thing – to freeze to death. For example – take a trip by car between two
    towns without warm close or fuel enough and
    gut stuck by accident. Or fall somewhere unnoticed being drunk. Not so long –
    and you are dead…

  19. Offtopic
    A lot of fresh photos from Donbass region. A man took trip to Debal'tsevo
    One of photos

  20. The arctic is a quick way into North America. Just a drive south from the arctic in the winter.

  21. >For example – take a trip by car between two
    towns without warm close or fuel enough and
    gut stuck by accident

    Especially if the road is, err, handmade("zimnik"). Not the main road. You can spend twenty hours without meeting anyone. In our region MChS are patrolling roads when very cold, every 30-50km there are 1-2 Kamaz with warm up, food and water. Almost every winter there are couple of dead ones.

  22. As a rule the main reason - stupidity of the victims. I’ve heard an example. After terrible squirrel with his wife a man,
    being nervous, jumped in his car and headed in another town. But got stuck and
    was found dead afterward. He burned everything he can from the car – tires, chairs,
    trimming, but freeze anyway. A young man, all his life lied in front of him. Stupid and sad.

  23. Aye stupidity killed more men in history then every wars combined and Black Death as bonus.

  24. Psss... they change the name for FSB... you revealed another tremendous military secret! Pack you bag... you will have a trip to Kolyma on the cost of government. :D

  25. They try to prove that continental shelf of Euroasian continent that is part of FR is more far north then they assume before. Some years ago they show those "poofs" to UN but well... in simple words the UN laugh at them with "proof" being worthless... well, bullshit. What is interesting, Kreml know that and they did not push the "proof" forward again. Then they organised some real expedition to check that shelf and get REAL proofs.

    I don't know what is the status of expedition, if they finish or not.

  26. From what I read it seems the Finns did pretty well as they were well equipped and had hot food.

  27. >Then they organised some real expedition to check that shelf and get REAL proofs

    AFAIR it was finished already."Losharik" was there, at least.

    last news about it - "we got everything need, now it is for UN to decide. We're afraid that political situation could create problems."

    Newspaper say it will be discussed at UN somewhere in summer-2015. Hmm, how interesting.

  28. Offtopic

    A lot of photo how Ukrainians make BTR-3E from carcasses of BTR-80. And their propagandists cry that BTR-3E is a “totally new advanced AV”!

  29. Could be Canada, Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden.

  30. This took long enough to come into atleast near mainstream media in EU but will probably not be heard in US , Breedlove's statments were conclusively proven false from the start but position of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe puts weight behind his statments no matter if they are true or not.

    Original from when it all started


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