Monday, March 16, 2015

Strock Interview Part 1. Why the "Short Well Deck LX(R) & Army Integration with the Sea Base.

As promised I'll be rolling out an overview of my discussion with Mr. Jim Strock, Director Of Sea Base Integration, HQMC.  I've decided to break things out a bit and roll out the points covered over the course of a couple of days so that the individual items would get the attention I think they deserve.

Why the Short Well Deck LX(R).
This has been a point of contention among many in the Marine Corps.  Quite honestly I wondered if the benefits outweigh the cost savings.  The argument goes a bit like this.  The LX(R) will provide the Navy/Marines commonality with a ship that is already in service (the San Antonio class), will preserve tribal knowledge in our shipbuilding base and most importantly will give the MEU the needed flexibility for "Disaggregated ARG/MEU Operations".

Quite honestly I didn't see that coming. (a quick check revealed that the concept was rolled out shortly before the previous Commandant left office.)

Also emphasized was the increased aviation capability that the LX(R) would provide and the idea that shortfalls in LCACs would be made up with the possibility of an LCAC Barge being developed/brought online.

My take?  Increased aviation capability on the LX(R) sounds good but does it make up for the well deck space that we're losing?  If anything it makes my modest proposal to add an MLP to every ARG worth pursing.  A whole lot of eggs are being placed in the heliborne assault basket.

Integrating the Army into the Sea Base.
This was another head scratcher for me.  I contend that the Army is attempting to usurp Marine Corps roles and I use Army Aviation attempting to fly off Navy ships as an example.  Integrating them into the Sea Base would be allowing them to drink our milkshake.  Strock pushed back hard and stated that the Sea Base is a national asset and that Army participation was necessary in order to ensure that its as robust as envisioned.

All of the above brings me back to the Sea Base concept itself.  What is the Sea Base?  Its a tailorable and scalable assembly that is designed to provide logistical support to forces ashore during entry and while they carry out their mission.  It is designed to operate without the need of port or airport facilities and in doing so will limit the operational risk that our forces face.
How you ask?
Simple.  I've been beating the drum about the USMC not practicing port seizure (I do note however that airfield seizure is still being drilled).  One explanation could be that its no longer necessary.  Supplies can be delivered over the beach without having to engage in a costly and predictable assault on a target that is easily reinforced and if losing it seems probable, then easily destroyed by enemy forces.  If this works as advertised along with the other pieces of the MEF, we could be looking at new operational capabilities for our units.

15 days sustainment for an MEU?  Now it could be considered indefinite.  The same would apply to our MEB's and MEF's.  Conducting sustained operations ashore will no longer be limited.  The Sea Base could...I repeat could...change the way that the USMC conducts operations.


  1. the protection of the sea base has been considered. i just need permission to print the document. i don't want to have a Marine Rifle Squad drop in on me for posting something i wasn't suppose to.

  2. The Chinese seem to be building sea bases of their own... but theirs don't move.

  3. you were doing ok until that last paragraph. Didn't you know that the MPS provides a MEU sustainment cargo for at least 30 days? And the MPF add specialized units to a MEU's basic set of capabilities.
    The primary issue with having a seabase is insufficient landing craft and lighterage. See comments on your new post. BUT there is still the inherent problem that USN amphibious warships are NOT directly interoperable with the Seabase or for that matter MPS ships. Does the LXR change that? Nothing in the designs I have seen allow it for instance go along side an MLP~

  4. Sorry I wanted to post this imaginative if not accurate artwork the Marines have been passing around even though there are errors in it~

  5. I wanted to post this imaginative bit of artwork the Marines have been using even if it is inaccurate in a number of details. I believe it is a Jim Strock creation?

  6. The problem with a "seabase" is that after the "assault", there is still a sodding ocean between your supplies and your troops. :)

  7. I hope you want to put the Naval Armed Guards on them with appropriate defensive weapons? Oh wait, the USN doesn't like the NAG idea~

  8. there has usually been "water" between ships and land - LOL, unless you are talking JLOTS or thinking of Operation Neptune?
    Seriously, this goes to what standoff distance one ASSUMES.

  9. Either that, I hope they have a Frigate or DDG that can be free to protect the Sea base. They are gona need Multi Role Frigates or DDG's to protect the sea base.


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