Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Medal of Honor club needs to talk to this guy.

Thanks for the link Joe.

via Yahoo Celebrity News.
Sarah Palin's getting a new son-in-law! Bristol Palin is engaged to her boyfriend, Sgt. Dakota Meyer. The bride-to-be announced the happy news via Instagram on Saturday, Mar. 14.
PHOTOS: Celebrity weddings"Truly the luckiest girl in the world, cannot wait to marry this man!!!!" Palin, 24, captioned an Instagram pic of the couple kissing. In a second photo, she gave a closer look at her gorgeous cushion-cut diamond engagement ring.
That's it.

That's all you get.  Go here to read the article.  Personally my skin is crawling from spending two minutes on a celebrity page. 

And that brings me to the issue with Meyers.

Will someone from the "Medal of Honor" club (that's what I call it...there has to be some type of loose association between winners of the, association, something...), someone that will not be impressed and awed by talking to a living recipient of our nations highest honor---- simply talk to him and tell him he's been too public?

I'd do it but I don't know the guy, but by rep he's a good dude but he's taken on some causes that have placed him in the public spotlight that are...unsightly.

Calling out ISIS to come to his house?  Really?  Seriously?  Not the kind of reasoned talk I'd expect from a MoH winner.

Defending the former Commandant from the ire of other Marines?  Do you really want a MoH winner to insert himself so fully into divisive Marine Corps politics?

Now this?

From what I've read the winners of the MoH are all about bringing honor to the men that they fought with.  To educate the public on important military matters.  And to do nothing to bring discredit to the award.

Someone needs to tell Dakota that being a celebrity isn't part of the deal.


  1. well i am not a fan of the Palin family at all but to get involved with someone whose family is so steeped in politics, will he become part of the republican party now that his mother in law is a former VP candidate? i wonder how they even met to be honest

  2. i have no feelings about the Palin's one way or the other. i do know that Meyer was talking about running for office which is why i steered clear of using that as an example.

    if the dude is in love then awesome. but he really needs to tone it down. some will make the connection about his political ambitions and this coupling. if he was more low key then that wouldn't even be an issue. that's why i say someone needs to talk to him.

  3. well the definition of conservative changes, as does all labels, and i think the parties are so out for themselves people are being turned off to all parties. while i understand the critics of the president its OK to contests his policies but to attack him personally and obstruct every place they can is horrible, shutting down government is horrendous like they did last year. when people ask me what i am, i say i am a radical pragmatist, i dotn give a shit what you want to label it, i just want policies that work.

    ok sorry went off topic

  4. i'll never understand why people are so freaked out about obstructing policies you don't agree with. THAT'S THE WAY OUR GOVT IS SETUP! checks and balances when you have two parties that are so opposite should produce a time when no new laws are passed because the people are divided.

    this should serve as a cooling off period and a time when the American people can sort out issues.

    instead we have the US president pressing ahead full speed ahead with agenda even though most or at least many people vehemently disagree!

    worse he's introduced dysfuntion into the process ... along with his democratic allies by instituting 6 years of what i consider illegal practices into the Senate that makes moving toward regular order difficult.

  5. Dakota Meyer is hardly the first MoH winner to turn it to celebrity. Once upon a time there was this fellow called Audie Murphy.

  6. not at all a fair comparison. first Audie was celebrated in the public BY the War Dept in order to help with the sale of bonds. so the celebrity that he attained was DUE to govt officials basically ORDERING IT!

    but why go to distant history instead of looking at the example of modern recipients and the standards of conduct that is expected today? you see plenty of them acting as

  7. You are correct that Audie was celebrated by the public, as was every other MoH recipient of that era. You are also correct that they were all ordered to do publicity tours but to my knowledge no one ordered Murphy to go to Hollywood and become a star. That was a choice he made in 1948, 3 years after he had been discharged from active duty. Although Murphy originally tried for stardom under the tutelage of James and William Cagney in the last part of 1945, the arrangement came to nothing and they parted ways in 1947 with Murphy having never been cast in anything. As for tossing out challenges to the enemy that was very common in WW2 for MoH winners. Although you are correct that more recent MoH winners have been more restrained in their activities I would suggest that is more a function of how the public reacts to the military and the country as a whole today as compared to the era from 1800's till the early 1950's. In the late 1960's all the way up until the 1990's there was a stigma attached to Military service in much of the population at large. While the pendulum has been swing in favor of Military service since the 1990's we are no where near where we were in the era of the 2 great wars. I agree with you that I too prefer the more classy style of reserved dignity that is most common in today's Winners. I worry that Dakota is skirting the edge of making himself a punch line, hopefully as he grows older he will mature out of the desire for adulation.

  8. well i didn't know about much of the stuff you wrote about.

    what i do know is that i expected Dakota to be the example of a restrained MoH winner for one simple reason.

    the battle where he won his award is so damn controversial. the truth about that fight will never be known but just reading about it makes my skin crawl and then you add in the supposed missteps, refusal of support,the statements that support was diverted to SOCOM and they refused to release it....its all just a terrible mess.

    in light of all that i'd expect a more dignified response from Meyer no matter what his age.

  9. well some of it is set up but like the dems and repubs not voting on executive nominees is not how it was set up, give them a vote, when the president nominates someone, let them vote. also the house being only the majority party's house, its hurtful, it doesnt give all the peoples representiatives the ability to vote. i think the minorities in both chambers should be able to force votes on things.


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