Saturday, March 14, 2015

The US Army lost its fight for fixed air and hates the Marine Corps because we didn't.

inferiority complex
1.  Psychiatry. intense feeling of inferiority, producing a personalitycharacterized either by extreme reticence or, as a result ofovercompensation, by extreme aggressiveness.
2.  lack of self-esteem; feeling of inadequacy; lack of self-confidence.
The US Army has an inferiority complex and the F-35 is the latest tool to express that.  Why do I say this?  Check out the latest from American Mercenary...
The consequences of having two ground forces, the Army and USMC, is most easily displayed by the F-35B. The USMC writes their own doctrine stating that they need vertical launch fighter jets, and so by gum they are going to band together with the USAF to make that happen.
So much for "jointness".  Notice how the flawed and failed F-35 is the latest foil to cut down the Marines by some of our Army brothers.

Make no mistake about it.  I believe that the F-35 is gutting our procurement dollars.  Make no mistake about it...the USMC developed a plan B in case the F-35 was canceled.  But its also obvious that orders from on high are keeping that airplane going.  Why do I say that?  It should be obvious to all that if the US Navy was able to walk away from buying just under 300 of these airplanes it would.

But the SecDef won't let it happen.

So the USMC is stuck with this flying piece of camel dung until political critical mass is reached in the US and allied countries to finally take it down to the river and hold it under until its legs stop moving.

But back to American Mercenary.

He's using it (the F-35) as an excuse to question the very legitimacy of  the Marine Corps size and composition.  He even uses my own words....
But wait! as Solomon likes to say, at that point what separates the USMC from the 101st Airborne Division? Mainly the 101st Airborne Division isn't part of a fleet task force or based off of ships where LCACs or LCUs can drop of Abrams tanks.
There is still a tactical and strategic need for a Marine Corps. There is no tactical or strategic need for the USMC to fly service unique aircraft. I've thought it over time and time again, if the Air Force and Navy can't provide the fixed wing support, the solution is to fix the joint fight, not create service unique aircraft for the Marines.
He's missing the larger point.

American Mercenary should be fighting to push Army leadership to reverse the decision that kept them from having fixed wing close air support.

Hating on the Marines because waaay back when we won our battle for survival is simply an expression of inferiority.  Instead he should make the argument, and push hard for the US Army to get retired Air Force A-10's.

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