Tuesday, March 24, 2015

United States Freedom Fighters of the East (USAFFE) declare war on China?

via Rizalavenue.
Elly Pamatong,a lawyer and a failed presidential bet has led the “declaration of war” on China by leading the blood compact with his “generals” of his United States Freedom Fighters of the East (USAFFE) followers on Saturday.
Signing the “declaration of war” with their blood were Pamatong and Generals Julito Macua, Gilbert Gumboc, Aquim Galaroza and Cris Jacosalem, Rev. Vicente Aquino and Salvador Reyes.
The lawyer and USAFFE burned the Chinese flags and chanted slogans calling for the downfall of China and the reclamation of Philippine-claimed islands in the Spratlys.
Pamatong claimed USAFFE would mobilize its 200,000 forces to recover some 150 islands occupied by China, but added they have to "prepare first." The lawyer admitted they have no equipment yet to do the mission. However, he is confident the Philippine government will support them.
I told you that the Pacific is far more confusing than what we're facing in the Middle East and I present this as proof.

I never heard of USAFFE before but its some type of right wing Philippine group that might cause trouble between China and their nation.

Another player in a dangerous situation.

A nationalist party that probably has the sympathy of Philippine generals.

Yeah.  The Pacific is gonna be fun.


  1. Another hotspot being created at Myanmar border. With 90% of Kokang's population are ethnic Han-Chinese (and their currency
    is the RMB), their armed struggle against the Tatmadaw (Myanmar) is winning a
    great deal of sympathy inside of the People’s Republic. PR campaign has started.

    Crimea -II trailer out.

  2. off topic but is should be a good read to the more aviation minded over here-


    I was waiting for a couple of days for him to come up with the article and its here finally.

  3. Man, we live in interesting times.

  4. We should get the UN to support them. Then they can be UNSAFE.

    I'd say he only has about 200 men, otherwise he would have weapons caches already. One thing you got to know is that these guys like to inflate their numbers. Like the "Sulu Sultanate" invasion into Sabah and their promise of "thousands of fighters" which turned out to be only ~200 men.

  5. Sol,

    He's an idiot and a "media whore". He and his cahoots just want their 15-minute of "sunshine".


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