Saturday, March 21, 2015

Weekend Reading...New Wars Blog.

This is an oldie but a goodie.

Mike over at New Wars Blog put up some of the most thought provoking stuff to be found on the internet.  Unfortunately he's no longer blogging (I hope he's ok) but his blog lives on.

Want some good, blast from the past reading?  Head here and drink it all in.


  1. Mike is still around but his posting has a different topic now. That looks strangely like an old T-craft concept?
    BUT there are modern versions of a hovercraft Con/RO ships

  2. what's he blogging on now? where is his site?

  3. Not the T craft...


    Which IMO would be the way to get some serious high speed heavy lift craft in a pretty much GUARANTEED WORKABLE doable without even

  4. I have seen post about religion and churches on his Facebook

  5. Not sure what you are referring to there are not a lot of High Speed Heavy Lift vessels in existence. And ONR & the Marines are not necessarily on the same page?
    More to the point, is that the Marines do NOT have Good craft to lift Containers to the beach. They have landing craft which basically load cotainers like breakbulk cargo one box at a time, instead of like Legos stacked. A good open cargo deck HSV could also load via Lo/Lo.


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