Monday, March 02, 2015

Wow. The US Army is really inventive.

via Soldier Systems.


Just feed female soldiers a mixture of Tren, Test, and Winstrol and make the change complete.  Then you won't need a FUD!


  1. Solomon you need to take a break if you are posting this stuff! You're losing your mind!

    On the other hand, being able to use the relief tube in the cockpit was the only reason I ever, briefly, wished I was a man.

  2. I HAD TO SHARE MY SHOCK! Soldier Systems is a real reliable gear blog and i did a double take because he doesn't post false news. a quick dig and it turns out that this is being brought forward for females at Ranger School.....

    i'm showing my inner caveman because i couldn't believe it when i saw it. on the other hand you're right....i probably do need to take a break.

  3. Well, shock and inner cave man are good reasons.

    Maybe female rangers should just wear long skirts on patrol so they not disgrace themselves by peeing like a man. They don't have to commit visual abominations to relieve themselves.

  4. The next innovation will be the SWSUP - Shit While Standing UP

  5. Surprisingly these pieces of equipment actually originated out of music/rave festivals. Unsurprisingly, no one in their right mind wants to sit on a portable potty and it allows much higher throughput. The original designs were made out of cardboard and were single use.

  6. Nothing new- female backpackers use them. We have a friend who claims she can use it in a sleeping bag, together with a bottle which males know how to use. Who wants to get out of a warm sleeping bag when its chilly outside?

    Regarding skirts, some men wear them on the trail. Through-hikers of both sexes who want to keep moving claim they can pee w/o stopping.

  7. Too funny. No need to stop for a piss in a firefight. Combat Depends.


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