Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Zero deficit thinking is now mainstream...What if OU took a different course?

via OU website...
Everyone is outraged by the video of the fraternity engaged in singing racists chants.  I'm on board with that.  We should be pissed.

Where I part company with the OU administration though is the punishment.  Aren't universities suppose to be places of higher learning?  Aren't they suppose to be places where outrageous speech is tolerated, even if not agreed with?

But I digress.  My main point is that we're looking at zero deficit thinking infecting the university system.  A better move would have been to sanction these young people, force community service of some type and to educate rather than expel them.

Punish?  Yes!  Continue to mentor?  ABSOLUTELY!

The Marine Corps should take note.  Young people make stupid mistakes.  Those mistakes are amplified in an era of smart phones and electronic surveillance.  Instead of casting off a potentially promising individual because of one mistake, every effort should be made to evaluate them, and if found worthy, mentor as well as punish.  The next Congressman from OU might have just been kicked out and what we'll get in return is the next local leader of the KKK because we weren't willing to punish, forgive and mentor.

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