Saturday, April 11, 2015

A modern military force can't keep its soldiers fed?

Thanks to Adrian for the heads up!

via (read it all here)...
"It is crazy that in 2015 we do not get enough food. It affects our mood. People get sour and angry when they do not get enough to eat," says a source from the Swedish military presence in Mali to DN.
The 200-strong task force, which will soon start their work supporting the UN mission in Mali, receives UN food rations of 1800 calories per person, per day. Not enough to meet the body size of the Swedish soldier, according to DN's source.

"1800 kilocalories, might suffice UN soldiers from Burkina Faso and Bangladesh, who are often of smaller build, but not for us," says one of the Swedes.
The Swedish UN force is in the final stages of constructing of a 42,000-square metre base at Camp Nobel in Mali, which will include a hospital, garages and service stations. The strenuous work, allied to smaller rations, is affecting the Health of the soldiers, according to some.
"Our physical shape is affected. We were not fat and did not have much fat tissue when we arrived. When the food is not enough, we burned the fat first, but now it has also affectected muscle mass. I myself know that I have become weaker," says one soldier, who has lost five kgs in weight during his time in Mali.
Just plain wow.

If we were talking about a 3rd world military force I'd simply roll with it...I'd assume that leadership couldn't do better and besides the people in their own nation probably didn't have enough to eat.

But we're talking about Swedish forces.

I seriously wonder why this wasn't taken care of at the local level.  Laying hands on additional MRE's shouldn't be that difficult...I know our military has warehouses full of them...hell I even have more than a few cases of them myself!  What's going on with their armed forces?

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