Wednesday, April 01, 2015

ACV News. Quietly, without fanfare, the Request For Proposal is out...


Added: Mar 20, 2015 12:24 pm--------------------------------------------
Program Executive Officer Land Systems (PEO LS/PM AAA) is releasing the thirddraft Request for Proposal (RFP) M67854-15-R-0001 for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) 1.1 requirement.  This third draft RFP is associated with the ACV 1.1 Request for Information (RFI) M67854-14-I-0013.  Please see the cover letter for instructions.
Read it all here (the number of attachments is mind boggling--its gonna take awhile).

The Marine Corps has quietly and without fanfare moved the program along. 45 days to respond?  That's REALLY short fused for a project this size!

This is where it gets interesting though.  I've heard all kinds of rumors...from partnerships dissolving and unlikely corporations building there own vehicle to levels of corporate espionage that would make the Chinese blush with envy.

I do make this prediction.  I think we're gonna see more than the SAIC Terrex 2, Lockheed Martin Havoc, BAE SuperAV and whatever General Dynamics names their beast in this competition.

IF this program survives the budget trainwreck the Marine Corps is facing then we just might get a a worthy replacement to the damn near legendary AAV.

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