Wednesday, April 01, 2015

BREAKING! V-22 and SPMAGTF-CR proving concepts for Marine Corps Future Force (MCFF)

You like the idea of Orbital Dropship Troopers?

Well HQMC isn't reaching for the stars but they are looking at global reach for the Marine Corps Future Force Concept (MCFF).

While I've been a harsh critic of the SPMAGTF-CR, I've been given the slides (they'll be up shortly) that show the Marine Rifle Companies being inserted at long range by MV-22 as being nothing but a proof of concept demonstration for a more ambitious project.

Remember the Rail Guns that the Navy is working on?  How about the UCAS that is stealthy and can remain airborne for a day or longer and operate off carriers?

The future will hold an enlarged MV-22 (moving up to just under C-130 size) inserting augmented MCFF units up to 2000 miles away and being supported by Naval Integrated Fires Complex even at that great distance.  Don't think F-35 providing the support but instead UCAS, Railguns, Cruise Missiles and Advanced Spectre Gunships based on C-17's.

As soon as I get clearance I'll post the powerpoint and slide show.  The Marine Corps just stumbled onto another battlefield innovation.  I hate the term because its over used, but this really is a GAME CHANGER!

NOTE:  Yeah.  Its an April Fool's thing.  I had to have a little fun with you guys!

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