Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Crossdressing Cadets to prevent sexual assault?

Head over to CDR Salamander's house to read the whole thing.

I sit here in awe, frustration and anger.  So in order to win a Commission in the US Army you have to wear female pumps?

Just plain wow.

Everytime I think I can't develop a lower opinion of ROTC, they prove me wrong.  There is no way I could recommend military service with the current leadership.

UPDATE:  I just had a crazy thought.  I run a minor blog but I've had hits from all over the Middle East, Russia, China, Pakistan and a few spots in Africa.  I said that to say this.  Potential enemies scour the internet for open source intel.  What will they think when they see stories like this?  Do you think images like this cause fear in the heart of the enemy or inspire confidence in the weakness of America.

Sidenote:  It seems like the Navy is following the Army's lead with this.  Check out the pic below provided by one of CDR Salamander's readers!  I don't know what pisses me off more.  The fact that he's in uniform wearing ladies apparel or the absolute joy on the face to be doing it in public!

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