Monday, April 06, 2015

Did the President signal that Israel is considering an attack on Iran?

Ok people.  Understand that I'm parsing words and reading tea leaves on this one but consider the following from Jerusalem Online (see the vid here).
Obama was asked about the United States' tense relations with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. He clarified he understood the concerns expressed by Israel, and was committed to ensuring Israel's military advantage in the region. "I am willing to make the kinds of commitments that would give everybody in the neighborhood, including Iran, a clarity that if Israel were to be attacked by any state that we would stand by them," Obama stated.
"What you might hear from Prime Minister Netanyahu, which I respect, is the notion: 'Israel is more vulnerable, we don’t have the luxury of testing these propositions the way you do'. I completely understand Israel's belief that given the tragic history of the Jewish people, they can't be depended solely on us for their own security."
The statement is obvious, but in the whole time that we've seen the feud between the Israeli Prime Minister and Obama, we've never heard him verbalize this truth before.

...They can't be depended solely on us for their own security....

That's pretty stark language.  I wonder if US intel is getting rumblings about Israel prepping to strike Iran?

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