Thursday, April 02, 2015

Don't trust me. DO THINK!

via American Mercenary.
The critic just has to inspire doubt in his target audience.
"Why are they backpeddling now?" or "Why didn't they hold a press release before we started raising a stink?" or "How do you think this would have turned out if we hadn't raised public awareness to this threat on our liberty and freedom?"
There are absolutely no facts there. Each statement is a logical fallacy in its own right, "begging the question" and designed only to inspire doubt. This isn't "reasoning", this is a "reasoning noise."
All communications are based on trust. Face to face, over the internet, telephone, or smoke signal, all communications are based on trust.
If you can "poison the well" and plant the seeds of doubt to destroy that trust, you can put a serious kink in operations.
Read it all here. 

AM is using this post as a defense of Jade Helm 15, but the way that he is framing his argument, it would stifle criticism of any military project or exercise anywhere.  This passage (and the one above) stand out...
I can't prove to anyone that Jade Helm 2015 isn't a "preparation for marshal law." I can't prove a negative. I can't prove that something really isn't something else.
Never once have I said that Jade Helm 15 is preparation for marshal law.  NOT ONCE!  I have said that its stupid.  I have said that there are more than enough training areas on military installations to make the need to go into US cities bullshit.  But I've never said it was about marshal law (I think I DID say it was about SOCOM putting on their cool boy shades and getting some good PR).

But bottle all that up and put it aside.

His attack on critics is obscene.  If you ask people to consider contrary opinions, to dig deep into information provided by manufacturers and the government...if you question authority then suddenly all you're doing is poisoning the well?  But this last part has me PUNCHING WALLS!
If you read something and get angry, you need to ask yourself why you are angry. You need to find out if someone is manipulating you by your anger. If you read something and agree with it 100%, then either you are amazingly in sync or you are buying someone's bullshit. Either way you aren't engaging your intelligence to analyze the situation and seek truth.But you'll have to trust me on that. And that is the truth.

Trust him?  I don't know him!  I reference his material when I agree but to trust a person I've never laid eyeballs on?


Here at SNAFU!  we don't ask you to trust us, we do ask you to think!  I depend on readers to help me keep up with events all over the world.  From tech to conflicts, one guy can't do it all.  Additionally I don't have experience, knowledge etc...on many issues that we cover everyday.  The opinion of my readers, research that I do on my own...and gut...helps me decide which course of action is correct.  

But as a blogger I will never ask you to "trust" me. That's arrogant beyond belief.  You "trust" family, friends, but a blogger?  Really?  Seriously?  American Mercenary asks you to trust today...will he ask you on behalf of others to kneel tomorrow?

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