French prosecutors announced on Wednesday that they were investigating allegations that several French UN peacekeepers abused African children in the Central African Republic in 2014. The United Nations document that leaked suggests 10 8 year-old children had been raped in exchange for food and money.The whole thing is tragic and sick.
The French government stressed that it received initial information of the case in July 2014. "Children said the French soldiers sexually assaulted them," the prosecution stated.
The UN report indicates that the soldiers abused the children in a homeless shelter in vicinity of the capital, Bangui. A UN worker leaked the document to the media, after claiming his supervisors were ignoring the severe violation of children's rights. The Guardian reported that the worker was suspended following the leak.
What has me punching walls and yelling at the sky is that the one person who TRIED to do the right thing got suspended for trying to point out the illegalities.
Physical courage is easy...if you survive then you're lauded as a hero. Moral courage is're rocking the boat and that automatically makes you an outcast.