Friday, April 24, 2015

Glock 43 mag catching issues.

Thanks to Tony for the info.

Have you been to the Glock and various other gun forums?  One of the issues that has been popping up over and over again is the magazine catching.  Tony tracked down Glock and this is what they told him...
They are saying its a wear in issue and it happens when the pistol is turned to the left. So I tried it. It happens if you are not inserting the mag directly into the frame. There is enough play and the offside mag release is protruding in the mag well so far that the mag is getting caught.
I'm still chewing on the Glock 43.  Tony just got his so I'll wait to see what he thinks after he's fired a few hundred rounds through it.

My main issue is the capacity.  I imagine it'll be perfect for summer carry.....but that's what appendix is for with my G19 and G26 stuffed with 19 mags.  The idea of the wolf finally showing up at the door and running out of rounds during a life and death situation....just because I wanted to be a bit more comfortable chills my bones.

Oh and the idiots run in packs.  Maybe I'm just looking for it but most attacks seem to involve more than one assailant.  You do the math.  The G43 carries 6 rounds.  If you have two attackers you better be perfect or you might lose in the end.

I gotta think a bit more on this one.

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