Friday, April 10, 2015

India on verge of deal for French Rafale jets

via Reuters.
(Reuters) - India is close to finalising a deal for dozens of Rafale fighter jets during its Prime Minister's visit to France on Friday, four French officials said, an agreement that would come after three years of talks between the two countries on a larger contract.
Le Monde newspaper reported earlier on Friday that talks centred on the purchase of 63 Rafale jets for $7.7 billion.
A French diplomatic source said there could be an announcement as early as Friday evening but the deal could involve fewer planes: more than the 24 France sold to Egypt in February but fewer than 50.
"There were discussions that lasted throughout the night," said a French government source, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the talks. "We are probably in the final straight. We have never been so close."
Read it all here.

I don't get what the Indians are doing.  First they're delaying the development of their own aircraft industry.  Second they're paying abnormally high prices for this jet...they could get Super Hornets at about half the price...and last, they're throwing away interoperability with the US Navy that has a much stronger presence in their neighborhood than the French.

This is curious, but best of luck to them.

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