Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Iran has the equivalent of two Marine Expeditionary Brigades in Iraq?

via Defense 24.
Currently, it is estimated that Iraq is now about 30,000 Iranian "advisers" military and Shiite militias, representing 2/3 of military force in the final offensive in the Sunni province of Salahaddin, are closely associated with the Iranian Pasdaran and General. Qasem Sulejmani, one of the major formation commanders. Also in Lebanon, Hezbollah's position began to grow, after the country at last. r. plunged into a political crisis and became the target of an Islamic state and al Nusra Front of land neighboring Syria.
Read the entire "op ed" type piece here.

Note:  A Marine Expeditionary Brigade is a combined arms force comprised of 14,500 Marines complete with an air, ground, and logistics component.  It is a self contained force that can operate across the COMPLETE spectrum of operations.  No other force on the planet is able to replicate this capability.

If this is true then we're seeing the calm before the storm.  You can bet that Israel will soon be attacked, there is no hope of deposing the Syrian President and that the rest of the Middle East will HAVE to get involved to guarantee national survival.

In the future the nuke negotiations will look like the US fiddled while the Middle East burned.

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