Thursday, April 02, 2015

Is the Greek economic crisis the end of NATO...

Peter at Bayou Man Blog has been on it lately.  Check this out...
Greece could not plausibly remain in Nato if ejected from EMU in acrimonious circumstances. It would drift into the Russian orbit, where Hungary’s Viktor Orban already lies. The southeastern flank of Europe’s security system would fall apart.
. . .
Mr Tsipras is now playing the Russian card with an icy ruthlessness, more or less threatening to veto fresh EU measures against the Kremlin as the old set expires. “We disagree with sanctions. The new European security architecture must include Russia,” he told the TASS news agency.
He offered to turn Greece into a strategic bridge, linking the two Orthodox nations. “Russian-Greek relations have very deep roots in history,” he said, hitting all the right notes before his trip to Moscow next week.
Read the whole thing at his house. 

We're potentially looking at the collapse of the EU...or at least a major restructuring...and the destruction of NATO as we know it?  Consider what a Russian naval base or basing rights for their airplanes on the southern tip of Europe would mean for the alliance!

Putin isn't even trying any more.  Destiny is lining up for him now.

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