Friday, April 03, 2015

Is the J-20 Mighty Dragon simply a "stealthified" Mig 1.44?

Tritron29 made this comment in a previous blog post...
Problem is that the J20 is a barely reworked 1.44 with even less effective engines...Nothing wrong on that since the 1.44 was already an 1980's beast decaying on its own juice.
He then linked to the above pic.  On the left is the Mig 1.44, on the right the J-20.  Below is a pics of the 1.44.

I don't buy it.

If you take any of the planes flying today you could make claims of every one of them taking design cues from each other.

I believe its time to acknowledge the ugly truth.

The Chinese are rapidly advancing.  The source of inspiration is irrelevant.  What we need to focus on is how do we deal with a technologically advanced foe that is more dangerous than the Soviet Union with territorial claims that could start the next major war.

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