Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Is this the DoD providing cover for Jade Helm 15?

The Defense Department is working with FEMA to bolster U.S. preparedness for hazards of all types to strengthen our collective security, resilience and readiness.

                                                                                                                          What you see above is a page on the DoD website promoting the "Prepareathon" (check it out here).

But I have to wonder.

Is this an attempt by the DoD to "mastery the human terrain" and get a bit of positive publicity out to the masses since their announcement of Jade Helm 15 is recognized for what it is by people who have an idea of military operations and aren't staff weenies bucking for a seat at the table in DC?

I don't know but I don't recall a DoD wide effort like this.  At individual bases you have local commanders prepping for local issues.  Camp Lejeune, you go over hurricane preparedness.  29 Palms, its earthquakes.  Australia?  Probably all the animals that want to kill you.  But DoD wide and teaming with FEMA?

I see a psyops campaign being launched.

Hell!  Maybe this is part of Jade Helm 15 as a shaping public opinion exercise!

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