Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lessons from Ukraine. Civilian survival in a combat zone.

via SHTF Blog (go there to read the whole thing).
Artillery & infantry beats survivalist hero fantasies. Every. Single. Time.Maybe the most obvious lesson to be learned is how miserably all these fantasies about forming survival groups, living in a retreat while fighting against impossible odds would ultimately fail. There’s simply no surviving against an occupation force when facing them as an individual or small group. Houses, towns and even entire cities can eventually get surrounded and overpowered. A single house or compound represents a laughable resistance to organized armed forces, let alone ones with artillery and air support at their disposal. Once shooting at your position is no longer fun, they’ll just blow you up. It’s as simple as that.
Attitude, clothes, and gear can get you killed or arrested.Here is where the gray man approach comes into play. Be as neutral as possible not only regarding your actions and behavior, but also when it comes to insignias, clothes, and gear. Even beards or unusual or characteristic hair styles can get you in trouble. According to George1980 “There was very unpleasant situation on the Ukrainian check-point, when one soldier wanted to arrest me as separatist)) Fortunately, my wife and daughters were with me and this soldier did not stopped me. Problem was that I have a beard and, may be, my face was very “suspicious” ))) Soldier told me that)”.
Checkpoints in Ukraine are there for a reason: finding enemies. Having a weapon can get you into trouble, but also things such as maps, GPS, political propaganda, radios, this can all be consider espionage material. Adventurers traveling around the world have often mentioned how they get arrested in war zones because of their cameras and laptops. You’re not local, you have electronics capable of being used for communication, then you’re a suspect until proven otherwise. Lots of people have GPS, radios and maps in their Bug Out Bags. Just make sure to be smart about it and understand that in some cases, when dealing with factions fighting over power, it can get you in trouble and its better to get rid of some of it before reaching a checkpoint.
This whole article is worth a read.

Do I believe that "combat" is coming to the shores of the US?  No.  I do however think that we will see civil unrest...maybe widespread civil unrest in many areas of the country.

Much of the stuff outlined in the article is common sense prepper stuff.  Much of it is a warning to simply keep your head down, don't bring attention to yourself and don't go spoiling for a fight...especially with authorities.

Some of you will think it cowardly.

I think its brilliant.  Walk around during times of crisis with an AR slung over your shoulder, with a plate carrier and 240 rounds of 5.56 on your chest is gonna get you noticed, stopped and investigated.

Put away Red Dawn fantasies and simply do whats required...protect yourself and your family...provide for their sustenance and don't be a burden to society.

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