Monday, April 06, 2015

Macabre and sad but SoG told it in a funny way...

Shepherd of the Gurney's is back and his latest is MACABRE...a whole lot of sad...but told in a funny way.  If you've ever wondered what its like to work in an ER and some of the stuff you get to see then head here.  Oh but a tidbit...
Open wound + flies = party!
So you know things aren't going to be fun on your shift:
A) When the radio call report is "infected leg, with maggots".B) When said patient arrives with the leg involved wrapped in a plastic trash bag to the thigh.C) When the paramedics are taking hits off their SCBA breathers.D) When the patient is assigned to your zone.E) When, as part of the meet-and-greet, you have to remove the bag to visualize the situation.F) When the funk miasa coming off the leg would knock a buzzard off a pile of guts, and you haven't even gotten the socks and pants off yet.G) When you finally get to the base layer, and are greeted by a menagerie of several tens of thousands of little brown rice grains, all doing the entomological version of "The Wave", in a pile an inch thick. Bless their hungry little hearts.H) All of the above.
Its a good read!

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