Friday, April 10, 2015

Navy Matters Blog on the real problem with the F-35...

A tidbit from Navy Matters (read it all here)....
The biggest failing of the F-35 is not any of its physical characteristics or even its cost. No, the biggest failing is its time to operation.

It has taken almost 20 years to get this far and we still don’t have operational aircraft. With respect to the Marine’s delusional and fanatical obsession with IOC, which is just a PR spin event, the F-35 still won’t be operational when they finally declare IOC victory. True operational status won’t be achieved for another 2-5 years, if that. So, we’re looking at an aircraft that will be 20+ years old before its first operational use. Most aircraft are at their prime and beginning to look at their downslope and replacement by that point.

Consider all the perceived shortcomings of the F-35. Almost all of them can be attributed to the extreme amount of time it has taken to develop the aircraft. Had the F-35 reached operational status 15 years ago, it would have been top of the line in stealth. It’s range would have been adequate for the missions of that time. Its weapons load would have been adequate for the time. And so on. In short, 15 years ago, it would have been a pretty good aircraft. Remember, the Super Hornet only entered service in 1999 and the early 2000’s. Had the F-35 been operational in the year 2000, the Super Hornet, and its subsequent comparisons to the F-35, probably wouldn’t have happened.
I agree completely.

Cost, obsolescence, inadequate performance, outrageous maintenance costs...the F-35 is just a flying example of government waste.

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