Wednesday, April 01, 2015

New Crime Tactic

via Bayou Man...
I've warned before that Mexican drug cartels and their tactics were spreading to this country. The cartel presence in major cities is by now well documented. Now it seems that their criminal tactics are being used as well - at least in Chicago, so far, and presumably soon in other cities too.

A group of robbers on the south side of Chicago appear to have taken a page out of the Gulf Cartel or Los Zetas manual for setting up roadblocks in order to carry out violent robberies. Just last week a group of three or four robbers have used a construction area in the city’s south side to set up roadblocks as a trap for motorists.
Once the motorists stop, they were assaulted and robbed, UPI newsreported.

The practice bears a striking similarity to a practice already established by both the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas who set up roadblocks around Mexican border cities to keep their enemies out or to rob unsuspecting motorists.

There's more at the link.
I've warned about being prepared for multiple assailants.  This just confirms it.

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