Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Order of Battle off the coast of Yemen...

Image via USNI News from CIG.
Events off the coast of Yemen are about to go from very interesting to potentially deadly.

I do have a new theory about the moves by the US though.

Based on past behavior by this administration, I believe that we're not seeing US ships move to intercept these Iranian ships....I think they're moving to try and prevent a showdown between the Iranians and Saudis.

I'm really getting the impression that the US got intel that the Saudis along with their allies were about to go medieval on the Iranian convoy and the last thing the administration or the world needs is this proxy war to go hot.

What we're actually seeing is the US Navy sticking itself between two fleets that are spoiling for a fight.

My prediction?

The Iranian ships will deliver their cargo.  The US will do nothing to intervene and the Saudi govt will be pissed.

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