Friday, April 03, 2015

Quick Hit. The Nuke Deal "probably will fail talk" was just a psyops campaign...

Everyone got played.

I followed the news on the Iranian nuke talks closely.  I was monitoring tv news, State Dept tweets, John Kerry tweets, trending topics etc...

I watched CNN, Fox News and MSNBC so that I could get a conservative, liberal and MORE liberal view of things.

We all were told that the talks were breaking down and things didn't look good.

Then suddenly, out of no where we get news that they've arrived at a tough "historic" deal?


They played everyone.  Froze the field.  They achieved their mission.  No one was ready when the deal was announced and now the White House has the stage to itself for Fri, Sat and Sun before opponents of the deal can gather themselves and point out the faults of the thing.

They did an old fashioned psyops game on us and we fell for it.

THE REALLY SAD PART?  We shouldn't be played by our own govt.

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