Friday, April 03, 2015

Russian Armor Parade. We get a few more views of new armor...

Major Hat Tip to Defense Blog!

If you take the time to watch the complete video then you get a few more views of the new armor coming online.

That tracked IFV seems to have broken with Russian design history and is going to be larger, better armored (at least is appears) and if I'm not mistaken I saw a swim vane at the front.

The wheeled IFV...well I just don't know.  All wheeled IFVs generally look alike although it does look remarkably like the SUPERAV from certain angles.

When is the unveiling again?

Sidenote:  You do know we're on the cusp of an armor race don't you?  Just like the T-64/T-72 sent shockwaves thru NATO, this new Russian armor will shake the Marine Corps and Army out of its lax attitude with regard to its AFV development.  The Russians are about to do what I couldn't.  Highlight the need for modern armor for our forces.

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