Monday, April 06, 2015

Sea Basing exercise in May...

via Marine Times.
I am pretty excited, and so is the commandant of the Marine Corps," Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert said of the seabasing concept during a round-table discussion with Military Times in late March. "This is why I feel really good about Marine Corps/Navy integration. We are going to have an exercise with the JHSV with an MLP and with an ARG, to work out their concept of ship-to-shore, and the connector's piece in the future. We are going to get a really good look at that."
Rotklein said the exercise will be schedule-driven, rather than scenario-based, although details of what would take place during the exercise were still being developed.
Read it here.

A schedule driven rather than scenario based exercise?  I wonder why.  Don't get why they're working out with an ARG either.  MEU's typically...or should I say historically have been able to be self sustaining for 15 days of combat.  That gives time for another MEU to link up or to fly in other forces.  I just don't quite understand the scenario here.

I definitely need to get the briefing slides on this one.

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