Tuesday, April 07, 2015

The pics of the Golani Brigade's destroyed APCs...

via Jerusalem Online..
Nine months after one of the biggest tragedies that had occurred during IDF’s operation Protective edge in Gaza, Channel 2 News has revealed images of the Armored Personal Carrier (APC) that was bombarded in the Gazan neighborhood of Sajaiya.

The two images that were revealed do not shed full light on exactly what had occurred during the APC incident. At a first glance of the images it is already clear that the photos were not taken at the place that the vehicle was hit, rather elsewhere, after being dragged away from the horror scene.
M-113's in frontline combat?

Not even the US Army is that stupid. When I first heard about this I was peeved.   I held the IDF to a much higher standard.  Now, after seeing these pics, I'm just pissed...and I'm a supporter of Israel.

The IDF better get hard core again and forget the politically correct BS or Israel will be pushed into the sea.