Friday, April 03, 2015

This makes me ask "why God"...

via Daily Mirror
A brave teenager who defied one of the world's rarest genetic conditions has passed away at the age of 17.
Hayley Okines, who had the premature ageing disease progeria, was told she would not live past the age of 13.But she pushed on with life courageously and at the age of 14 published her autobiography, called Old Before my Time.
However, despite pioneering drug treatment in the US that gave her a new lease of life, she was unable to conquer the disease.
Her mother Kerry Okines posted on Facebook tonight: "My baby girl has gone somewhere better. She took her last breath in my arms at 9.39pm x."
I look at madmen like the German airplane pilot, beasts in Nigeria killing Christians, savages in ISIS doing the same, despots in Iran and at least the blame can laid at the feet of man.

If our society had any fortitude we could solve those problems in a couple of years.

But this disease?

Why God?

Rest in peace little girl. 

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