Does the current UH-1Y fit into current and future Marine Ops? Putting aside nostalgia, when you look at plans for the Sea Base and SPMAGTF-CR and then glance at the UH-1Y the helicopters shortcomings become obvious.
Its short legged...with a combat radius of about 150 miles...It has a small payload...maxing out at just under 7000 pounds (not sure if that's internal or external) can only carry 8 combat troops...and its slow flying at just under 190 mph.So if you attempt to plug this airplane into future Marine Corps concepts of operations then it won't be able to fly from the sea base (and do actual work), can't keep up with planned Company Landing Teams and will be left at the launch point when SPMAGTF-CR's go into action.
But to be honest the same applies to the AH-1Z.
The Marine Corps has put into service two aircraft that don't fit with future ops.
What would?
The AW 609.
Did you know that the Italian military is exploring the idea of a weaponized AW 609? We gave away the next "Huey" and the JMR project is just doing what has already been done.
Ain't life grand?