Wednesday, April 08, 2015

USAF Plans for Radical F-35 Upgrade Reveal Obsolescence via Defense Aerospace...

via D.A.
Foreign buyers of the F-35A may not be aware that the US Air Force is already looking to upgrade its radar, avionics and engine because – a year before its IOC - the current aircraft already cannot match “rapid technology development by potential adversaries.”
Read the whole thing here.

We've been given hints about this problem but the "fan boys" dismissed it as being rabble rousing.

The truth is much more stark however.

The USMC and our allies are in the midst of a procurement trainwreck.  The hope is to buy the F-35 now (in the case of the Marine Corps) and to clear at least one item off the books so that they can move on to buy more important...much needed gear.

Between the maintenance issues and the necessary upgrades to make the plane COMPETITIVE with current threat weapons those dreams are nothing but nightmares.

Even the biggest fan of the program has to be asking himself WTF! 

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