Friday, May 01, 2015

Baltimore...a battle between the have's, the have not's and the political elite...

The six Baltimore officers charged, clockwise from top left: Caesar Goodson; Garrett Miller; Edward Nero; William Porter; Alicia White; and Brian Rice. CreditBaltimore Police Department..pic via the NY Times.

Above you see photos of the six officers charged today.

That is the ultimate in diversity.  So if you're thinking that this is a racial thing you're wrong.

This is a battle between the have's, the have not's and the political elite.  Many will not acknowledge the cold facts but an entire industry has been built up around law enforcement and its no longer about keeping the peace.

A few bulls and old skool guys will administer street justice instead of digging into pockets (meaning fines beyond belief), towing vehicles or filling someone's glovebox with tickets but those guys are few and far between.

US citizens, politicians and the political elite have turned many PD's into revenue generating mills...and that's against law enforcement's desire or approval!

So understand that while Goodson (in my opinion) deserves the charge of involuntary manslaughter, the reset are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.