Monday, May 25, 2015

China is building a Landing Ship Medium (LSM).

pics and article via China Defense Blog.

CDB says...
A newbuilt ship of an entirely new type for the PLA Ground Forces is currently running sea trials in the Sea of Bohai. It was launched at the Army’s Songliao Shipard at Dalian in August 2013.
Officially described as an Army Ro/Ro Transport, it is really a Landing Ship Medium (LSM), equipped with the with the typical kedging anchor of landing ships, even though the bulbous bow would preclude the ship from beaching.
The ship is equipped with both bow and stern ramps and a short helicopter platform aft. The armament consists of four twin 14.5 mm guns, two forward and two aft. Twin funnels indicate twin-screw propulsion; in addition, it has a bow thruster for improved maneuvrability.The lifting capacity is probably a mechanised infantry company.
The ship is a striking departure from the Type 271III YUWEI class Landing Craft Tank (LCT) that has been building for decades for the Army, and of which there currently are some 85 in service with the Army’s landing craft units. The dark grey colour, too, is a departure from the usual blue of Army vessels.
It is not known if the new ship will go into series production nor which unit will operate the new ship. In view of its experimental nature, a good possibility would be the Ship Squadron (Unit 73502) at Dongshandao, attached to the Nanjing MR Amphibious Training Base.
Songlia Shipyard built another unique ship in 2012, the training vessel AL201 belonging to the Training Squadron of the Army/Air Force Navigation School at Zhenjiang. That ship was based on the Sea Police’s Hai Jing 31101 PUDONG (Type 718).
JESUS!  Will someone at HQMC sit up and smell the coffee?

The Chinese are equipping to put a fully mechanized Chinese Marine Landing Force on foreign terrain.  They are equipping to take it, hold it and repel any assault that we launch!  You don't need this much lift to sustain an infantry heavy force...which means the USMC is gearing up to fight against a future foe in a way that is almost guaranteed to end badly.

Company Landing Teams in Internally Carried Vehicles, depending on air support, naval fires etc...that are far off shore and lack the capability to provide either sustained or prompt fires is asking to fill body bags.