Sunday, May 31, 2015

China is inside our OODA Loop...

via Navy Matters.
Defense News website reports on remarks by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter regarding China’s expansionist policies. (1)
"China is out of step with both the international rules and norms that underscore the Asia-Pacific's security architecture, and the regional consensus that favors diplomacy and opposes coercion."
China is clearly setting the tone in the South and East China Seas.
It is very important to understand and recognize that statement. Let’s say it again.
China is clearly setting the tone in the South and East China Seas.
That means that it is not China that is out of step – China is establishing the “step”. It is the US that is out of step with China. It is up to us and, indeed, in our best interest to recognize China’s “step” and get ourselves in synch with them.

I was reading Navy Matters and it hit me.  China is DEEP INSIDE our OODA Loop.  The US military thought that "partnerships" and "teaming" would be successful in dealing with China and sought to bring them into the international order as an ally (ironically this same approach would have been successful with the Russians) but China had other ideas.

We hoped for friendship and at the very least partnership.

They want domination.

To make matters worse we did not properly plan for the failure of our outreach and now we're in the pathetic position of reacting to their moves.

Grunt talk?

They've taken the initiative.

The bad news?  In order to regain the initiative you either assault their positions forcefully or you conduct an organized retrograde to a location that is suitable for you to conduct further ops (speaking metaphorically here...I'm not advocating assaulting any Chinese position...or island).

Policy makers have a decision to make now.

From my seat we're on the verge of losing the fight (without fighting) for the first island chain.  The Chinese are moving rapidly to establish favorable conditions to keep us out of the second.

Do we rapidly arm and position Marines, Soldiers, aircraft, ships and installations to keep the 2nd chain safe...or do we also concede it?

NOTE:  I again refer to Captain Fanell and his warning back in 2013 which was published in the USNI News Blog...
“By the way, protection of maritime rights is a Chinese euphemism for coerce seizure of coastal rights of China’s neighbors,” Fanell said.
“The next week (the week after the combat drill in the south Philippine Sea) in the East China Sea, Japan said that a Chinese warship locked its fire-controlled radar onto a Japanese warship. China denied it for a month, but then admitted that it occurred, but said that it was not in danger since the range between the two ships was too close for a weapons system,” he said.
“Seriously, you just can’t make this stuff up.”
And then this....
Fanell noted the nation has allocated $1.6 million on improvements to disputed South China Sea outposts. Developing ports, air fields, water purification and surveillance systems. “Meanwhile, China describes efforts by other nations to improve the navigability of their outposts as egregious provocations and responded with threats.”
Fanell’s assessment of the Chinese lies seemingly in contrast to American efforts to forge close military-to-military ties with the country.
You can read the entire article here.

Fanell was speaking in 2013.  His predictions are so spot on that his nickname should be Nostradamus.  If he isn't working as a govt contractor advising the US Navy, CIA or State Dept on China then the leadership is as insane as I thought.