Many of you have likely read or heard about the upcoming JADE HELM 15 military training exercise to take place on US soil during this summer. Many believe that this training is specifically geared and aligned towards upcoming civil breakdown here in the United States.This actually seems plausible.
That said, how many of you have heard of the ‘Minerva Research Initiative’? It seems there may be a tie-in between this initiative (which was instated following the 2008 ‘crash’) and the agenda of JADE HELM 15.
Here’s why …
The premise behind the Minerva Research Initiative is apparently this: study how violent political overthrow, aka mass civil breakdown, happens in the day and age of social networks, and be prepared to counteract it – by “targeting peaceful activities and protest movements” – when it finally reaches US shores.
I had forgotten about the Minerva Research Initiative, but if MSB is right then we're already part of the wargame. We can probably deduce that since 2008 they've become VERY aware of the role of social media in shaping opinion.
IF (and this is a big if) the idea of "people alarmed" by Jade Helm 15 is part of the exercise (designated as hostile forces)...and IF developing ways of shaping the "human terrain" to believing that their is nothing dastardly going on....then we've already played a huge role in their research...just by playing our roles..
My main focus has been on why SOCOM needs to operate in civilian areas and I've been beyond skeptical about the rationale being that they need to go off base to get the best training possible for upcoming deployments on foreign soil...but this puts it in a different light.
What is Jade Helm 15? I still don't know but it does deserve additional scrutiny. Something is screwy with this thing but I can't put my finger on it.
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