Wednesday, May 06, 2015

UK Attack Subs unfit for duty? UPDATED!!!

via Defense 24
For six British submarines shock four are currently in the yard, one will be repaired in the database and there is one in patrol (HMS "Astute"). Worse, due to the lack of substitutes, HMS "Astute" had to be sent in operating cruise moment after he returned from it at the end of 2014.
The article is in Polish and I'm not sure if my Google Translate got it right but the gist of things seems to be that all but one of the UK's attack subs are unsat and are in the process of being fixed.

I've looked around this morning at the usual UK blogs to see if they had anything....Think Defence, UK Commentary, Amphibious Necessity and I even threw in Naval Matters to see if a blog covering naval issues was covering it from this side of the pond.


Don't have time right now, I'm working on an analysis of the new Russian Armata MBT, but this bears watching....and verifying.

UPDATE:  DRACAE found this article.  This should have been big news.  I wonder why it isn't getting much air time.