Saturday, May 16, 2015

US Troops engaged in "hand to hand" combat in raid?

via The Daily Beast.
U.S. Special Operations Forces met resistance and had to fight “hand to hand” in Friday night’s raid in al-Amr in southeastern Syria that killed ISIS senior commander Abu Sayyaf, defense officials told The Daily Beast.
Troops from the U.S. Army's elite Delta Force flew into the scene in Ospreys and Black Hawk helicopters, landing near a multi-story building and meeting fierce resistance as they entered, the officials said. The troops engaged in close quarters combat with the target and his body guards, even trading blows “hand to hand” as they rushed the targets, two of the defense officials said.
Read it all here.

This raid...the very reason for being when it comes to SOCOM (and SOCOM just does raids these days...nothing else) devolves into being so hairy that they have to go hands on?  Really?  Seriously?  But wait...check this part out from the article....
There was some resistance from armed guards and from Abu Sayyaf himself, but the raiders were prepared for that, a third official told The Daily Beast.
“It was risky, but not high risk,” the official said. “This is what these guys do.”
I'm not saying they're lying about what happened with this raid but I am saying that it

Real off.

Think back to EVERY close combat course you've ever attended.  Think about EVERY piece of info you were given, every tactic you were taught, all the scenarios and role playing that you were drilled on.

Now multiply what average Joe Marine/Soldier got by about 25000 and think about what we're being told here.

Pentagon officials keep talking and they keep leaving themselves open to questions.  Its the OBL raid all over again.  The DoD needs to get on top of this because the percentage of this population with a little experience looks at this and wonder why we're being spoon fed.....weird info.

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