Sunday, May 10, 2015

V-22 prop wash dangerous to buildings in Nepal...

via Business Standard.
But there has been criticism of the US decision to send large Osprey helicopters, which experts say are ill-suited to Nepal's mountainous terrain.

Local media reported that the down-draft from an Osprey relief flight blew the roof off a small building in a quake-hit village as it delivered aid.

A US embassy official told AFP that such accidents were rare.

"We are looking into whether the damage to the roof was caused by the Osprey or the quake... Obviously such incidents are rare and if it turns out to be true, we will take care of the damage," the official said.

I've been watching US disaster response and it seems alot less robust than I remember.  I'm not sure where the problem lies but it appears that less aid is being delivered, more slowly.  Is it an administrative problem, the new SPMAGTF-CR's or USAID being even more jacked up than I imagine?

It really doesn't matter.  For the second time (the first was the messed up response to the Typhoon in the Philippines), the USMC seems late and doesn't appear to be doing the work that smaller nations are.  Have you seen the Israeli effort in Nepal?  They're like angels from heaven and we appear to be testing concepts.  Disgraceful.

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