A battle in the northern Syrian border town of Tal Abyad has inflicted a potentially crippling defeat on ISIS that could impede the jihadists’ rampage through Syria and Iraq. But U.S. ally Turkey is not happy about it. In fact, Ankara is accusing Washington of foul play. Some in Turkey want their own military—which is part of NATO—to intervene on Syrian soil, and not againstISIS.This is the disgusting dirty secret about our Turkish ally. We view the Kurds as a reliable partner, Turkey views them as terrorists. It also highlights another issue.
The Kurdish People’s Protection Units, a militia known by the initials YPG, says itcaptured Tal Abyad from ISIS after fierce combat and also secured the town’s border crossing into Turkey. The fighting, which saw jets of the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition attack jihadist positions in support of the assault by the YPG and allied militias, sent more than 20,000 people from Tal Abyad and surrounding villages over the border into Turkey in the last two weeks.
Europe is being bombarded with refugees from the Middle East. Not only will this strain their social welfare systems but it will also make them vulnerable to terrorist acts on their own soil.
Between the possibility of Turkey attacking the Kurds AND the Obama Administration being put in the position of either defending the Kurds...and ally against ISIS OR allowing them to be decimated by Turkish forces, an ally in NATO, makes this a dicey situation. The issue with refugees in Europe....well lets hope someone isn't stupid enough to unleash that beast. Another "French Incident" in another European city will bring a backlash that would make people worldwide recoil in horror.
Now to the news in Afghanistan...via Long War Journal...
The Islamic State’s Khorasan province brutally executed one of its former shura members, purportedly for defecting back to the Taliban last month. The execution, as well as the assassination of the Taliban’s shadow governor for Nangarhar province, likely by the Islamic State, preceded a warning by the Taliban’s deputy emir to the leader of the Islamic State to end discord between the jihadist groups in Afghanistan.This is an opportunity.
The Islamic State released a video showing the execution of Sa’ad Emarati, a senior commander as well as a member of the “Khorasan Shura,” the province’s executive council. Emarati’s head was placed on his back after it was removed.
The Islamic State said it executed Emarati because he left the group and rejoined the Taliban, presumably the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan.
We will never see peace between the Taliban and Northern Alliance. We might see an uneasy truce. If that proves unachievable then we can at least attempt to stir up fighting between the Taliban and ISIS.
Opportunities and peril...That's just the world we live in....