via Russia Military Technology...
August 23 - Russia and China have started the second phase of joint naval exercises from August 20-28 under the name of “Joint-Sea 2015 (II).”So let me get this straight. First we push the Russians into the arms of the Chinese and then second, we reduce our armed forces to the smallest size they've been in decades?
The exercises will be held in Peter the Great Bay, near the Russian Far Eastern city of Vladivostok and in the Sea of Japan.
The main subject of the exercises will be “working out the joint protection of the sea and joint amphibious operations.” In light of the event there will also be open and vibrant cultural and sports activities to promote exchanges between the military vessels of the two countries.
Taking part in the drills from both sides are 23 warships, 2 submarines, 20 aircraft, 15 aircrafts, 8 helicopters, more than 400 marines and 40 armored vehicles.
This is the fourth joint naval drills between Russia and China. The drills “Joint-Sea 2015” have distinct features such as the fact that these drills will last for 10 days, making them the lengthiest exercises in the past 4 years.
This will work out nicely (sarcasm).