Boot camp's top graduates are about to get a new ribbon.Wow.
Every sailor graduating from Navy Recruit Training receives the National Defense Service Ribbon. As many as three percent of each weekly graduating class will now earn an additional uniform ribbon: the new Navy Basic Military Training Honor Graduate ribbon.
"RTC recognizes multiple top performing recruits at graduation, but now the recognition is outwardly visible on an honoree's uniform," said Rear Adm. Stephen C. Evans in a statement. Evans commands Navy Service Training Command, which oversees all Navy officer and enlisted accession training except for the Naval Academy. "Wearing of the Honor Grad Ribbon will be a visible sign to peers and superiors at the recipient's future duty stations that the member demonstrated extraordinary excellence and leadership potential during Basic Military Training and is capable of accelerated and increased leadership positions within the Fleet."
The award is effective immediately. The first 15 honor grads will be awarded their ribbons Aug. 20 and can wear them when they graduate on Aug 21.
If you were a past honor graduate, don’t go out and buy one — there are no retroactive awards.
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus approved the award Aug. 18, details of which were released in ALNAV message 063/15.
Participation awards have arrived in the military.
Modest proposal. Marines should wear only their 4 highest awards. The Navy can keep being the Navy. But its time to for the Marine dress uniforms to stop looking like a bad caricature of a 3rd world dictator.