Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Royal Irish Regiment (Light Mechanized Battalion) at Exercise Wessex Storm...

The Royal Irish Regiment is leading a major international exercise in Europe in their new role as a Light Mechanized Battalion.

Exercise Wessex Storm sees the Royal Irish working alongside American, Canadian, Czech and other nations as they get to grips with tactics and skills for close combat with their range of military vehicles, including the Foxhound, RWMIK, Wolfhound, Husky and Ridgback.

The Royal Irish Battlegroup, including a number of Army Reservists from 2 Royal Irish, are being put through their paces in Germany. Ranger Stephen Tan from Belfast says the terrain is challenging not only for the soldiers but for the vehicles. “This is a tough and realistic environment pushing us hard,” he said, “but when the adrenalin kicks in we really get going. It is what we joined the army for.”

Interesting.  As far as I know the Brits and Aussies are the only western militaries that have taken MRAPs and made them an actual part of their "regular" maneuver forces.  I believe the Foxhound is more suited to the role than the Bushmaster but time will tell.  This is another one of those exercises that I've never heard of before.  The caption says that they're working out with Americans, Canadians, Czech and other nations.  If this is force on force I'd love to hear how the Royals Irish Regiment did.