I told you that in order to beat the F-35 you had to deal with reality. You can't beat Pentagon visionaries (that are lying their asses off) and what they say the plane will do...too many are dazzled by stars and ribbons. You have to focus on the budget. Check this out from The Hill Blog...its taking an Army centric view of the budget but it applies triple time to the F-35 buys in the near term (2015-2017)...
The Department of Defense is bracing for the possibility of operating under an emergency spending measure for the next fiscal year, something it has never before been asked to do.Republicans can't do the deals necessary to plus up the Pentagon budget because conservatives back home will rebel. The Democrats are holding the Pentagon budget hostage to increase domestic spending.
While lawmakers only intend for their stopgap funding measure — known as a continuing resolution (CR) — to last through mid-December, the Army is bracing preparing for the possibility that funding is eventually put on auto-pilot for a whole year, according to official documents obtained by The Hill.
A yearlong CR would be unprecedented for the Department of Defense, but is one of two likely scenarios for fiscal 2016, budget experts say.
Pentagon budget officials are "starting to realize that a full year CR is a real possibility," said Todd Harrison, director of defense budget analysis and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
"It's a real possibility this year because we've got a budget stalemate in Congress and between Congress and the administration, and both camps are pretty firmly dug into their trenches," he said.
Neither side can relent or their base voters will go crazy.
This is the KEY vulnerability of the program. THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO INCREASE PRODUCTION, which means that the price will not decrease but instead INCREASE (death spiral bitches!!!)!
Now is the time to focus like a laser on the REAL cost of the F-35 and what its doing to the ground combat element.
We're winning and the F-35 fanboys know it.