Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Marine Air MUST fix the MV-22 fast rope situation!

U.S. Marines with India Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force—Crisis Response—Central Command, conduct fast rope training from an MV-22 Osprey while deployed to Southwest Asia, Sept. 16, 2015. Fast roping allows Marines to insert ground forces quickly from the air, without the need for a stabilized landing zone. The Marines and Sailors of SPMAGTF-CR-CC provide the commander of USCENTCOM with a unique set of solutions to emergent crises across a broad swath of the Middle East. (U.S. Marine Corps Photo by Cpl. Leah Agler/RELEASED)

To the guys in the Wing, this isn't directed at you.  To the grunts and others in the GCE, this isn't directed at you.

I'm aiming this directly at the Assistant Commandant for Aviation.


How can you look at the above pic and think that that is ok?  In order to fast rope from a MV-22 the first Marine out has to make a life defying leap and then once on the ground he lays on the rope and maybe the second guy down does too in order for the rest of the stick to make it down?


Workarounds are part of the job but you have to know when its time to say enough is enough.  That is too much.  Work needs to be done to do this better!

Fix this shit SIR!  

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