BFW 09/16 15:33 *US SPECIAL OPS. FORCES ARE ON GROUND IN SYRIA: CNBC1. This is in response to the mass immigration to Europe. The reality though? You're seeing economic migration, these people aren't refugees fleeing a fight.
CNBC: RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: Defense officials tell NBC News that US special ops. forces are on ground in Syria assisting
2015-09-16 15:32:24.247 GMT
RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: Defense officials
tell NBC News that US special ops. forces
are on ground in Syria assisting Kurdish
forces in fight against ISIS
2. SOCOM just got the fight they didn't want. This is the SOCOM centric effort that they will lead and they can't realistically win.
3. Is it a given that US Special Ops will be battling Russian Marines?
4. Consider this a "do something" option and not a real strategy.
5. Nothings changed. The flow of immigrants will continue, we don't have a strategy so in summation. We're still fucked. Should we expect anything different from our current civilian and military leadership?