Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Terrex 2 (Advanced) shows up at DSEI..

Thanks to Jonathan for the link!

via Shepard Media.
Singapore Technologies (ST) Kinetics showcased a new and improved version of the 8x8 Terrex infantry carrier vehicle, the Terrex 2, at the DSEI exhibition in London.
Weighing 30 tonnes, the Terrex 2 is bigger than its predecessor and it has a capacity for one extra passenger – totaling 12 soldiers and two crewmen. The heavier body allows installation of a wider range of weaponry, armour and a payload of up to 9 tonnes.
A distinctive feature applied for the first time in such a vehicle is its ‘V-over-V’ lower-hull design for enhanced blast protection. The driver’s compartment also utilises customisable touchscreen interfaces with a surveillance system that provides the crew with a panoramic camera view.
An ST Kinetics spokesman told Shephard, ‘The Terrex 2 is our response to address the growing global demand for an advanced 8x8, which has to be effective in not only urban operations but land and littoral missions too.’
The Terrex 2 is able to integrate a variety of weapon systems, including a 30mm Bushmaster cannon or 12.7mm machine gun.
ST Kinetics, in partnership with US-based Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), is in the running for the USMC Amphibious Combat Vehicle Phase 1 Increment 1 (ACV 1.1) programme.
Requirements listed in the ACV project are a ‘particular emphasis on water speed and reserve buoyancy’ so it can operate in 3-foot waves.
‘The Terrex for ACV Phase 1 is essentially a Terrex 2 configured for the specific requirements of the USMC. However, we are not able to share more details as this is an ongoing programme,’ ST Kinetics told Shephard.
The Terrex 2 is designed to perform better in the water for ship-to-shore operations. A distinctive feature is a larger trim vane on the front hull, as well as a better swimming speed of 6 knots with improved amphibious systems.
The Singapore Army currently utilises three known Terrex variants in their two infantry regiments: Infantry Carrier Vehicle, Pioneer and Ambulance. Other variants offered by ST Kinetics include an anti-tank missile carrier and 120mm SRAMS mortar carriage.

A little birdy from Lockheed Martin Ground Vehicles told me that they're gonna be displaying their vehicle at Modern Day Marine....and to "wait to cheer" what they've cooked up....I've tried to get in contact with BAE but lost touch with old contacts and the new guys just don't reach out.

Which leads us back to the Terrex 2 (Advanced).  I can't wait to get a better look at this beast.  Is it just me or does it remind of the Brazilian VBTP?