Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My biggest fear with the ACV & we're getting trolled on Portugal Newscasts...

TRUCK YEAH! posted the above vid on their website which is covering Trident Juncture, supposedly a massive amphibious exercise but something I consider to be an extra large dog and pony with dubious training value.

Let's put that aside though.

Did you watch the vid?

That my friends is my big fear with the ACV and the Marine Corps moving to a wheeled infantry carrier.  Its not IEDs and the work to give them almost MRAP protection...if we need MRAPs we can pull them out of service....AND I wonder if we're giving up too much utility by putting blast seats in them (can't put liters or carry cargo like you could with the AAV).

My concern is getting stuck on the beach because wheels don't like sand and Marines having to dismount early while the enemy is sending rounds.

Once you consider all that, getting trolled by Portugal News is the least of our concerns.