Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Armenia vs Azerbaijan. Is the most unnoticed dispute about to turn into a full fledged war?

via Azernews.az
The Azerbaijani army will soon prove its superiority over Armenia, Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov said on November 9.
Hasanov attended a National Flag Day celebration in one of the military units on the frontline, the ministry reported.
Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov met with members of the Armed Forces serving in the trenches on the frontline and highlighted orders from President Ilham Aliyev.
"The army is being rapidly developed, thanks to President Aliyev’s attention and care,” he said. “Some achievements were made in this area. As a result of measures conducted on the frontline, a large number of the enemy was killed, and they were destroyed psychologically. The enthusiasm of our servicemen frightens Armenia. Azerbaijani servicemen are ready to expel Armenian forces from our territories. We have prepared all possibilities for this."
The minister also stressed the necessity to do everything possible "to hasten the day when the occupied territories will be released and the flag of Azerbaijan will fly there."

I've been watching this thing simmer between these two countries for years.  There have been occasional clashes but I thought it more a case of rivalry run amok rather than the possibility of them actual going full bore.

I might have been wrong.

This sounds like a speech to prep the people for coming war.  This just moved up on my ranking of possible hotspots.

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